- Windy - Gold Eclipse: egészalakos képet raktál be szakágas helyett. *nem zártam ki, de többet ne nagyon forduljon elö :)
1. hely: Excalibur y Acertado, Last of the Wilds, Cerberus, Castillion, White Chocolate, Royal Secret, Romany Move, 5SOS
2. hely: Womanizer, Never Let You Go My Sweetheart, Sugar Devil, Selebrate the Rain
3. hely: Cozmic One, Scared Fire, Spirit Gayego, Prince Exorcims, Light of Shade, Penészvirág
1. hely: Illegal Cassaponte, Aspect of Love, DeathStroke, Siberian Cat, Vertical Limit, Paint Me Chrome, Lady Highness
2. hely: Awesome Rock, Be My Valentine, Lord Hhiddleston, Spirit of Fire, Gold Eclipse, Cotton Onix, Illusion´s Xcitin
3. hely: SH Wildcat Red, Nether Seen, Chaotic Wind, Shirokita, Sassy Prince
1. hely: Be a Fairytale, Last Ride of the Day, Bernardini, Hot Trinniberg, Scharlott´s Fox, Free Winner, Waffenrock, Hot Crocket, Empress Catia, Paradox, Svartalfheim
2. hely: Medaglia d´Oro, Straight Story, Revoluitonary, Wonderful Wolf of Deep, Birdrun, Diritta la Rotta, Miss Aristocrat, Fearless Flames, Jacksepticeye, Emlék
3. hely: Guyana Star Dweej, Suiker Soet, Night Witches, Midgard, Pro Hot Stuff, Hot Presso Y Hemroso, This Magic Moment, Chikara, Time to Stand, Monte Carlo
1. hely: Early Bird, Rum Admiral, Dear Devil, Fleet Street, Catching Feelings, Heart on a Tigger, Wildcat Doll, Almost Illegal, Last Dritta´s Fire, Silence Storm
2. hely: Scrappy Man, Living the Poison, Percious As Gold, Damsha Ghost, Paranormal Angel, Diamond Maledetto, Broadway Café
3. hely: Value Point, Carpe Diem, Thunder´s Prince, Tale of Hawthorn, Clarity Boom
1. hely: 30.000
2. hely: 20.000
3. hely: 10.000